lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

Teen's 'Fantastic' new name 'Super' long

GLASTONBURY, England, Nov. 3 (UPI) -- A British 19-year-old has officially changed his name to "Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined."

The Glastonbury, England, teenager -- originally named George Garratt -- said his new name, which is thought to be the world's longest, has so outraged his grandmother that she is no longer speaking to him, The Telegraph reported Monday.

The teen said he used an online service to officially change his name for a $20 fee.

"I wanted to be unique," Captain Fantastic said of his name choice. "I decided upon a theme of superheroes."

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

joder... y la gente quejándose de sus nombres... espero q ese chaval no tenga novia (casi se puede asegurar q no la tendrá) y menos aún hijos... cómo los va a llamar? jorge, el mundo está loco...

Iorgeus dijo...

No estan locos... Son... diferentes :)Mmmm como me podria llamar yo?
Laplace Fourier Newton Gauss Einstein Cauchy Son Guays Bravo Jimenez?? :P

GaLa dijo...

viendo esa foto, no creo que le preocupe lo de no tener novia. Lo debe de tener ya asumido el chaval.

Rebeca dijo...

No me extraña que se cambiara el nombre, se llamaba George!!!!